علم البرمجة علم منبعث من الرياضيات، فالمبرمج الجيد يجب أن يجيد المفاهيم الرياضية والتعامل معها خصوصا اذا كان عمله مرتبط ويعتمد على مفهوم الرسومات، أما إذا كان عمله غير متقدم وغير مرتبط بالرسوميات فلن يجد إلا القليل من الروابط بين الرياضيات والبرمجة،لكن هناك الكثير من المفاهيم البرمجية المرتبطة بالرياضيات فمجرد استخدام مبرمج إلى Array ثنائي الأبعاد يضطره لاسترجاع معلومات رياضية وهذه بعض الأمثلة:
الرابط بين الرياضيات والبرمجة هو المنطق: الطريقة التي يعمل بها العقل ليحل مشكلة رياضية ما، هي ذات الطريقة التي يعمل بها ليحل مشكلة برمجية ما.
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What is the relationship between programming and mathematics?
Programming is a science stemming from mathematics. A good programmer must be fluent in mathematical concepts and deal with them, especially if his work is related and depends on the concept of graphics, but if his work is not advanced and not related to graphics, he will find only a few links between mathematics and programming, but there are many concepts Math related software. Just using a two-dimensional Array requires a programmer to retrieve mathematical information. Here are some examples: 1- Simulators: Building physical or astronomical simulators, game engines, or others, requires an in-depth understanding of mathematics to be realistic, which is important, as many of these simulators are used in scientific research and are widely used in the medical field.
2- Two-dimensional graphics: it depends on drawing shapes on two horizontal and vertical axes to determine where they appear on the screen, which becomes the coordinate system. 3- 3D graphics: It depends heavily on matrices, and with depth, you need an in-depth understanding of several areas of mathematics in order to know how 3D graphics are displayed to appear on your 2D screen. 4- Improved software problem solving: There are several solutions and the better you are in mathematics, the better your solutions will be. I remember once that I was happy to solve a problem that one of my colleagues could not solve before, but the computer took 20 minutes to solve it, and the next day someone came and gave a solution that took no more than a second.
5- Understand the way the computer works: The computer basically only understands two signals: the current is “1” and the current is cut off “0.” To facilitate the programming process, programming languages have been developed to translate into machine language, and understanding how numbers, data and values are stored in the computer needs to be ready for computation Much. 6- Learn some programming languages: When you write code in С++ in order for the code to work, it is converted into Assembly language, which in turn is converted into machine language 0 and 1. Each processor architecture has its own language. Without Assembly, it would have been difficult to write code to work on different types of devices. . This language needs a lot of mathematics due to its nature and limitations. Of course, understanding the language will make you a better programmer, as you will know what each line you write will be translated into, which will motivate you to improve your programming method to reduce the consumption of device resources.
7- Encryption and information protection: One of the basics of encryption is the use of formulas that change the content, and the original content can only be restored through the use of opposite formulas. Prime numbers are always used to produce these equations.
Conclusion: The link between mathematics and programming is logic: the way the mind works to solve a mathematical problem is the same way it works to solve a software problem.
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